Greetings to all Sheridan 4th Year BA Animation students!
This is the first posting of the 2020-2021 school year. Please note the blog address for future reference:
This is where all announcements relevant to ANIM 40049 are posted, including Lecture guest announcements, workshops, and Milestone deadlines. There is also a listing of Mentor office hours (soon to be updated.)
Blog posts are automatically mailed to the 4thYear Mailing list, so keep an eye on your official Sheridan email for new postings.
What does this course consist of?
ANIM 40049 is the course to help you make your Senior Project Film. It's made up of three components:
1) LECTURES, which take place on Wednesdays at 2 PM via Zoom
2) WORKSHOPS - optional, usually Wednesdays at 4 pm, via Zoom
3) MENTOR GROUP MEETINGS - various times through the week. This is where you will discuss and submit the Milestones that make up the various production stages of your film. You can see examples of Milestones from past students here.
How do I access the Lectures and Workshops?
Lectures and workshops will be given via Zoom, on Wednesdays at 2 PM and 4 PM respectively. The Zoom link is:
(meeting details hidden. Please refer to the 4th Year Mailing List for the address and password.)
Use the same link at 4 PM for Workshop.
How do I access my weekly Mentor Group Meeting?
Mentor meetings will also be held via Zoom. Contact your mentor for a link if you have not been provided with one.
What else happens this Semester?
There are several other highlights to the semester:
4) LEICA SCREENING - All film works-in-progress are screened twice in the semester; the Leica Reel in Week 7. This screening is CENTRAL to the production workflow.
5) GUEST CRITIQUE - During Week 7's Mentor Group Meeting, a guest, normally from the animation industry, will be present to view and critique your Leica Reel. This is a valuable opportunity to have an experienced pair of eyes view your film - make the most of it!
6) UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO "Composing For Film" CLASS VISIT - Each year about 40-50 animation students work with musicians from the U of T Faculty of Music to have music written specially for their films. The first step of this process happens this Fall (normally in Week 10 or 11) when we travel to U of T for a "Meet and Greet" session.
Studio visits through the fall are possible. More details TBA as they develop.
The Lecture and Workshop Series
You can get a very good idea of what we cover in the Lectures and Workshops by browsing through this listing. Note that most of the Lecture and Workshop bookings are still tentative and are subject to change. This listing also shows Milestone deadlines for the semester. More details will be available at the first lecture:
The Milestones
The Milestones as laid out in the 4th Year Handbook (link below - see especially the section titled, "Part 2 - SEMESTER 7 MILESTONES".) are the heart of the production workflow for your film. They also determine your grade for the course. You'll get a very good idea of where you're going with your film project over the next few months by browsing through this document. Many more details at the first lecture:
What workflow do we use?
You might enjoy watching the videos below. It's a compilation of several films from recent graduating students, shown in four stages of development, from Leica Reel to Final Film. It should give you an idea of the overall workflow we use in the 4th Year Senior Project films. I'll show this video at the lecture and we'll have some time to discuss what it means for you. The password is: 'Sheridan'
We have a great lecture & workshop series lined up for you this year, so I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesdays at 2 PM!
Bruno Degazio
4th Year Academic Advisor
Senior Project Mentor