Tuesday, September 27, 2016

This Week's Events in 4th Year - September 27 2016


At the critical storyboarding stage of your project we're lucky to have designer and storyboard artist Scott Caple, veteran of The Incredibles,  The Emperor's New Groove, Fantasia 2000, Mulan, and many other feature films and TV series. Scott will outline the responsibilities and challenges of story development in an animated project. S235, 11 AM.

WORKSHOP: Wednesday, 10 AM, A151: (NOTE CHANGE OF TIME!)

Scott Caple will be on hand to review your storyboards in A151 from 10 to 11 am on Wednesday. Please note the change of time, and the fact that this workshop takes place BEFORE the lecture.


Our next Milestone is coming up soon (due in Week 5)  and is an important  stepping stone on the way to an effective Leica Reel. Check out these examples on the Course blog:


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

This Week's Milestone


This week's Milestone includes a project treatment, a type of document which you might not be familiar with.  While there are some guidelines for it in the 4th Year Handbook, I have found this quick guide to be helpful.

As you can see, it's not really that complicated. The first few items require only very brief answers. Your main effort should go into items seven, eight and nine, the Three Act Story Summary.

If you want more information go to Marilyn Horowitz's blog at the address below.

some of the information below is adapted from www.movieoutline.com/articles/how-to-write-a-treatment.html

How To Write a  Treatment
This one to two page document should read like a short story and be written in the present tense. It should present the entire story including the ending, and use some key scenes and dialogue from the script it is based on.

What Should Be in the Treatment?
1. Working Title
2. Your name and contact information
3. A logline. (one or two sentences MAX. see example below)
4. What makes this a good project? (Its "hook" or rationale.)
        5.     Genre, target audience, style, length.
6. Introduction to key characters
                THREE ACT STORY SUMMARY 
7. Act 1 in one paragraph. Setup the scene, characters and main conflict.
8. Act 2 in one paragraph. Dramatize how the conflict leads to a crisis.
9. Act 3 in one paragraph. Dramatize the final conflict and resolution.

Example Logline: The Ramen Girl (2008):
An aimless American woman, abandoned by her boyfriend in Tokyo, impulsively decides to train as a ramen chef under a master who is impossible to please.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Classic stop motion feature "The Adventures of Prince Akhmed" with live music

On Monday October 3, there will be a presentation of the classic stop motion animated feature film, "The Adventures of Prince Akhmed" by German animator Lotte Reiniger,  with music arranged and performed by Theremin virtuoso Pamela Sticky and pianist Marie-Theres Rauba

The performance takes place at Gallery 345, Sorauren Ave., in Toronto's west end. The film begins at 7:30 and will be preceded at 5 pm by a demonstration of the Theremin electronic instrument by Ms. Stickney.

More Information: http://www.gallery345.com/performances.php#oct3

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

This Week's Events in 4th Year

WED. 11 AM S235 - LECTURE:  

Nancy Beiman - Advanced Storyboarding

Bruno Degazio - Essential Academic Considerations for 4th Year

WED. 2 PM A151 - WORKSHOP:  

Blair Kitchen - Story Development for 4th Year Film Using Photoshop and StoryBoard Pro


Milestone 1 - Story Pitch and Concept Art

EXAMPLES OF PITCH PACKAGE - http://sheridan4thyear.blogspot.ca/p/milestone-examples.html

Composer graduate seeks to trade music for 3D artwork

U of T graduate composer Colin Sandquist recently emailed me with this request:

"My goal is to release an album, but I am in need of a 3-D graphic logo design.    I was hoping that you could connect me to some of your students in Animation at Sheridan, who might be able to design the album artwork for something in exchange, like a music composition for their animation film project.   I very much enjoyed working with Sheridan students over the past two years, and it was amazing to see their work on the big screen.

If this is an opportunity that would work for someone at Sheridan College, let me know  - or feel free to give them my contact information below… I will send them the details.

Colin Sandquist"

EMAIL :  colin.Sandquist@utoronto.ca
WEB:  www.colinsandquist.com
Vim Animation: www.vimeo.com/user43488425

Voice Actor Patrick Sweeney offers his talents for your film

Voice Actor Patrick Sweeney is offering his acting and studio services to Sheridan BA students free of charge. Patrick has done many of our student films in the past few years, and he always does a great job. You can hear some of his work in the demo links at the websites listed below.

Here are some links to voice work Patrick has done for previous 4th Year films --

Just Desserts       https://youtu.be/IhdGPaW8UlY
The Tale         https://vimeo.com/125934959
Shoot                   https://vimeo.com/126512698
The Master Bait    https://vimeo.com/126655542
Flouse              https://vimeo.com/122152934
Rory Smith       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6syZ5Xcn6vA#t=159

-- Bruno
Patrick Sweeney <patsvoice@me.com

If anyone is interested in using my services the following process can be followed:

1. Contact me by email or phone to discuss their project.  Cell 416 520-8786,  email pat@patsvoice.com

2. Tell me as much about their vision/project as possible, their expectations of us, any character details/pictures etc..... 
3. After discussing the project we can set up a time to record a raw audio file in mp3, wav or aiff etc... 

4. On the set appointed recording date, the student can direct me over the phone or via Skype. During the session I can provide the student with as many takes as they wish throughout the recording process. My goal is to make sure their characters come to life and to ensure their expectations are met to produce a successful film.

5. Once the recording session is complete I will then send the student the raw file via FTP for them to edit within 24-48 hours depending upon my schedule.

If the students wish to learn more about me or to listen to my demos they can visit my website at the following link:  http://www.patsvoice.com

Skype ID: pats voice

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Welcome to 4th Year!

The 4th Year Senior Project Blog
Greetings to all Sheridan 4th Year BA Animation students.

This is the first posting of the 2016-2017 school year.  Please note this blog address for future reference:


This is where all announcements relevant to ANIM 45436 are posted, including Lecture guest announcements, workshops, and Milestone deadlines. There is also a listing of Mentor office hours (soon to be updated.)

Blog posts are automatically mailed to the 4thYear Mailing list, so keep an eye on your official Sheridan email for new postings.


What does this course consist of? 

ANIM 45436 is the course to help you make your Senior Project Film. It's made up of three components:

1) The Lecture Series, which takes place on Wednesdays at 11 am, in S235
2) The Workshop Series - optional, Wednesdays at 2 pm, in Lab A151
3) Mentor Group Meetings - various times through the week, mostly in A360A and B

In addition there are several highlights to the semester:

4) SCREENINGS - All film works-in-progress are screened twice in the semester; the Leica Reel in Week 8, and the Animatic Reel in Week 14. These screenings are CENTRAL to the production workflow and are therefore required of all students. There is a 20% Grade Penalty for not submitting your film for screening. 

5) GUEST CRITIQUE - During Week 7's Mentor Group Meeting, a guest, normally from the animation industry, will be present to view and critique your Leica Reel. This is a valuable opportunity to have an experienced pair of eyes view your film - make the most of it!

6) UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO "Composing For Film" CLASS VISIT  - Each year about 40-50 animation students work with musicians from the U of T Faculty of Music to have music written specially for their films. The first step of this process happens this Fall (normally in Week 10 or 11) when we travel to U of T for a "Meet and Greet" session.

Monday of Week 4 is already slated for a visit from our friends at Disney. Other studio visits through the fall are possible. More details TBA.

The Lecture and Workshop Series

You can get a very good idea of what we cover in the Lectures and Workshops by browsing through this listing. Note that most of the Lecture and Workshop bookings are still tentative and are subject to change. This listing also shows Milestone deadlines for the semester. More details will be available at the first lecture:

Fall Lectures & Workshops

The Milestones

Grading for this course is determined by meeting the Milestone requirements as laid out in the 4th Year Handbook (link below - see especially the section titled, "Part 2 - SEMESTER 7 MILESTONES".) You'll get a very good idea of where you're going with your film project over the next few months by browsing through this document. More details at the lecture:


What workflow do we use? 

You might enjoy watching the video below. It's a compilation of several films from recent graduating students, shown in four stages of development, from Leica Reel to Final Film. It should give you an idea of the overall workflow we use in the 4th Year Senior Project films. I'll show this video at the lecture and we'll have some time to discuss what it means for you. The password is: 'Sheridan'

(link: https://vimeo.com/138324352)

I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday at 11 am.

Bruno Degazio
4th Year Academic Advisor
Senior Project Course Lead
Senior Project Mentor