Tuesday, October 2, 2018


 Another recent email offer of soundtrack help. Santiago offers both music and sound design at a Master's Degree level, free of charge. Check out his youtube video in the link below: 

My name is Santiago Ramírez from Bogotá, Colombia. I`m a sound engineer, musician and sound designer for audiovisual media planning to apply for some masters in the near future, and I would like to expand my portfolio in sound works for animation. 

Sheridan College is known for an impressive work in animation field , for this cause I would greatly appreciate if you could give me the opportunity to work with students and graduates who are interested in improving the sound design of their projects, maybe you can give me their contacts, or in case you cannot share that kind of information i would also appreciate if you can share my contact information to them:
Santiago Ramírez Múnera sanramu93@gmail.com (+57) 311 462 7137
Should be noted that i only want  the possibility of participating as a sound designer for animation projects created by students and graduates, any kind of economic compensation is out of the question, my only goal is to expand my portfolio in this kind of projects to show them as part of my work to future master's degrees.

Thanks for your kind attention,
Hope to hear from you soon!


Arcadia Sonora S.A.S.
Santiago Ramírez Múnera / Ing. de Sonido - Diseñador Sonoro
arcadiasonora@gmail.com / +57 311 462 7137
Facebook  Vimeo 

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