Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Inspired Acting, Mindful Animating

LECTURE:  Stephen Barnes: Inspired Acting, Mindful Animating: A Study of Great Moments From Animated Films 
SCAET 235, 11 am - 1 pm

With the big animation Milestone due this week (100% of rough animation completed), it's appropriate that tomorrow's lecture is on the subject of acting in animation. Stephen Barnes extends his previous study of acting (Inspired Acting: Great Moments from Great Actors) to include acting in animated feature films. Steve livens up the talk with discussion of the bad animation in the old Roger Ramjet TV series, and outtakes  from his days as an animator at Pixar.

WORKSHOP: Amir Avni: Flash Animation Workshop
A151, 2 pm - 4 pm 

The workshop is also dedicated to the craft of animation with BAA graduate and Flash animator Amir Avni giving a lesson on traditional animation techniques in Flash, and providing a Q&A to resolve any issues you may be having while using Flash in your Senior Project Film.

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